Sunday, August 28, 2005

Much better

I hurt my back earlier in the week but it is definately improving..... I can actually sit for a while now. Unfortunately still hurts to knit for very long. So sockpaltwoza socks are progressing very very slowly.

But apart from that yesterday was a gorgeous day........ Miss B and I spent the afternoon celebrating a friends birthday. It was gloriously sunny and the food was wonderful as was the company. Several of the women from Tafe were there including one of the lecturers. Was a fantasic day of chatting and catching up.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Not really sure what I want to say yet. Knitting isn't progressing far. Would probably get further if I actually picked it up instead of just looking at it and wondering why I am not finishing anything. I am worried about several friends for different reasons....... one has a family member who has cancer, one has recently left her husband and is struggling to get settled financially and rent a place, and one is struggling with the disappointment of IVF being unsuccessful. No wonder I am feeling a bit blah.
Perhaps it's time for some yarn shopping..... Or maybe some chocolate........

Monday, August 22, 2005

Playing around with blogger

Sorry for any disruption..... Just playing around with some of the add ons ect.
Got to say I like this lil guy.

Well Well Well

Well... It would seem a lot of us out there in blogland have had comments from Juicy Fruiter. Seems Juicy hit the next blog button and left the same comment for everyone. Have to admire the tactic as they sure have a lot of traffic flowing through their site even if it is a lil cheeky.

Butttttttt having just said that Juicy is the first to ever comment here so feel I should be sending some sort of prize........ somehow I don't think Juicy is into yarn.

Anyway....... Juicy also gave me a much needed kick up the bum and reminded me that I have been slack and haven't been posting much so ....

On the knitting front I have been working on the sockpaltwoza socks........... they are not going well....
Have developed ladders in the sides of the foot..... I have no idea how to avoid or fix this problem....
If anyone knows........ please share....