Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Instead I have finished the Blue Opal socks, cast on and undone the purple mittens....... wrong size needles. Cast on yet another pair of fetching, this time in a pale blue Zhivago.
I probably should work on the purple jumper but all I seem to be doing is playing with yarn and mentally rearanging the craft room.
Nothing fits as it is and of course however I move it , it isn't all going to fit.
The problem is that the whole house is like this, so there isn't anywhere else to move things to in any other room.
I think it's time for a clean out. Blah. Why do I always want to do these things in the middle of term when the holidays would be a much better time for it.
Anything to avoid assignments I guess.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
On changing my mind
Then I decided it looked way too pretty to go on my foot. So I think it will become a pair of mittens instead.
I am still sneaking in rows of my sock when I can and I really need to learn how to knit and read at the same time.
Does anyone know how to type and knit at the same time????
Friday, August 25, 2006
Drowning in books
I have given in and started a pair of socks from the handspun yarn I bought at Mt Pleasannt. I couldn't wait anymore. Besides, it's better to start a sock than start the Central Park Hoodie. Only a few more days till the KAL starts.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Computer is still down
My Blue opal socks are growing, the purple jumper is growing very slowly and my assignment is glaring at me. Why is is knitting research is fun but any other research just isn't???
I am still restraining myself from starting any new projects like the hoodie top and I really want a pair of socks from the handspun yarn I bought at the Mt Pleasant Fibre festival.
I spent too much!!! I bought fibre and a drop spindle....... even more stuff to distract me from homework.
Monday, August 14, 2006
And the computer sleeps
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Sunday was knitting day
I think I knit all of 3 cm of ribbing on Sunday and it ended up having to be frogged. I miscounted the cast on row. I really shouldn't try to talk and count at the same time.
Knitting this week seems to be slow as all I have managed to achieve is fixing up what I did on Sunday.
I got mail yesterday. My tin needle protector arrived!!!!
Nat has been hunting these down and solving all the niggly shipping issues and being a fantastic enabler. Thankyou also goes to Donna for thinking of me when the idea of getting these needle protectors first came about.
So of course I had to start something on dpn's just to try it out.
My first toe up attempt. I really don't know if these will grow into socks or not, but it was good to try out a new method.
And of course in the needle protector.
I love this, no more lost needles in the bottom of my bag.
No more stabbing myself when the needles poke out through my bag.
Today...... So far I managed to wash my hair with conditioner again.......The bottle is nearly empty and I suddenly can't read the label anymore. I have no idea what that is about.
Miss B is home from school..... She had a headache and a sore throat yesterday but said it was ok. I was thinking I would just keep her home today and hope she can fight it off with some rest.
Well she woke up today and has a cough too. So the keeping her home I had been thinking about became a definate, possitive, has to happen.
All I can hope is that she doesn't decide to share.
Now to see if I can get my knitting to behave.....................
Saturday, August 05, 2006
And my brain is where???
I then tried to wash my hair with conditioner instead of shampoo....... was wondering why there were no bubbles.
I am almost to scared to pick up any knitting today in case I mix that up too.
Anyway here are the pictures blogger was holding out on.
Is there some kind of bribe /sacrifice /offering thing with blogger I don't know about cause it sure seems to like keeping my pictures for itself.
The Shawl that finally ended.
And the sock that got forgotten. Ok not forgotten but I just couldn't seem to get around to that heel for months.
Now do I try and make my brain function and knit or just go back to bed???
And it's done!!!
Well it's cast off and now I have to wash it and figure out how to pin it out. I haven't done this before so me and pins, um yeah.
I have joined the Central Park Hoodie KAL and of course I want to start right now. It doesn't start till September.
Do you think they would mind if I started early? You know, just swatched..... and kept knitting?
I would still finish late as assignments and things will get in the way later.
Oh Ok I'll wait.
And make a cup of tea and read blogs. It would help if I had actually boiled the kettle first. That mouthful of lukewarm tea when you are expecting nice hot tea is just gross.
And just cause it has been looking incredibly lonely and unloved I picked up the blue opal sock. It now has a heel. Lets see how long it takes to actually get a foot.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Never ending shawl
Nearly there..................