Friday, December 22, 2006

Loving Thuja socks.

Unfortunately Cindy didn't want to knit these for me so I had to do it myself. Not hard at all considering Miss B has come down with a virus and we are now housebound. The complete opposite of the mad rushing about all over the place we were doing only a couple of days ago.

So Thuja socks are done, but sending a few things like cards and other bits are not.

Finishing something always makes me want to start something new. Then of course I look at my list of UFO's and figure I really should work on some of them. Then I start thinking I really should work through some of the stash.

It seems a lot of people are feeling the same way about knitting from the stash if you read the comments over at Wendy's. Scroll down to the December 16th entry and she talks about knitting from the stash 2007. Something she intends doing for nine months.

I'm not sure that is something I could stick to,nine months is a long time and as soon as I decide not to buy any more yarn I seem to accumulate three times as much as I would normally.
I think for now I will at least go through the stash, perhaps write a list of some sort so I know what I actually have and generally tidy it all up. The cats love swiping ziplocked bags of yarn off the shelves when I'm not home and there are a few sitting at the bottom of the shelves that I just got sick of picking up. Maybe someone is telling me to knit them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm like the Thuja Fairy!! Look how magically those socks were knitted!! They're great. Hope everyone is feeling better now. Oh, those cats, at least they don't EAT the wool!!!